1.59 g/t Au (metasediment) OREAS 235 - 60g

CAD$7.00 each

OREAS 235 was prepared from a blend of high-grade gold-bearing ore and barren metasediments. The ore was sourced from the Fosterville Mine, located 20km from the city of Bendigo in the state of Victoria, Australia. The deposit is hosted by a metamorphosed interbedded turbidite sequence of sandstones, siltstones and shales. Primary gold mineralization occurs as disseminated arsenopyrite and pyrite in a quartz–carbonate veinlet stockwork. Primary gold also occurs as visible gold where it variably overprints sulphide mineralization and is found as disseminated fine specks (>1 mm) of gold within host quartz veins. The visible gold is spatially associated with antimony mineralization, in the form of stibnite that occurs with quartz and varies from replacement and infill of earlier quartz-carbonate stockwork veins, to massive stibnite-only veins of up to 0.5m in width (Hitchman, Philips, & Greenberger, 2017).
 CRM Code Principle Certified Values State  Matrix  Mineralization
OREAS 235 Au 1.59 g/t  Ag 0.135 ppm  primary metasediment orogenic lode gold 

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