12.06% TGC (granodiorite) OREAS 724 - 10g

CAD$5.10 each

OREAS 724 has been prepared from crystalline vein graphite rich ore blended with granodiorite. The vein type graphite material was sourced from the Queens Graphite Mine (QGM) in the Matale/Kurunegala Project area in central Sri Lanka. The barren I-type hornblende-bearing granodiorite was sourced from the Late Devonian Lysterfield granodiorite complex located in eastern Melbourne, Australia.
Fifteen commercial analytical laboratories participated in the program to characterise Total Graphitic Carbon (TGC) by hydrochloric acid leach (~50% HCl) to remove carbonates followed by roasting (400-500°C) to remove organic carbon, then analysis of the residue by infrared combustion furnace (Leco - CS Analyser).
 CRM Code Principle Certified Values State Matrix Mineralization
 OREAS 724 TGC, Total Graphitic Carbon 12.06% primary granodiorite crystalline vein



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