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  • 74ppb Au + 444ppb Pd + 868ppb Pt (pyroxenite/gabbro-norite)

74ppb Au + 444ppb Pd + 868ppb Pt (pyroxenite/gabbro-norite) OREAS 682 - 500g

CAD$122.00 each

OREAS 682 is a copper-nickel-platinum group element (PGE) ore certified reference material (CRM) prepared and certified by Ore Research & Exploration Pty Ltd. OREAS 682 has been prepared from PGE ore blended with barren mafic dolerite. The PGE ore was sourced from the Dishaba mine, owned and operated by Anglo American Platinum Ltd. The Dishaba mine is located in the west of Limpopo province, South Africa, approximately 250 kilometres north of Johannesburg. The common minerals of economic importance are sulphides of iron, nickel, copper and alloys of the PGE's. The barren mafic dolerite was sourced from the Late Cambrian Black Hills dolerite complex located in eastern Adelaide, Australia. OREAS 682 is one of a suite of five PGE ore CRMs ranging in 4E concentrations (4E = 4 elements; platinum (Pt), palladium (Pd), rhodium (Ro) and gold (Au)) from 0.82 to 6.1ppm.

OREAS 682 is a SuperCRM®

CRM Code Principle Certified Values State Matrix Mineralization
OREAS 682 Au 74ppb Pd 444ppb Pt 868ppb primary pyroxenite/gabbro-norite magmatic PGE

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