49.3% Zn + 1.58% Pb + 98ppm Ag (sulphide) OREAS 354 - 10g

CAD$6.50 each

OREAS 354 is a certified reference material (CRM) sourced from zinc sulphide concentrate samples taken from the Dugald River metallurgical plant. The Dugald River deposit is located in the Mt Isa Inlier, ~65km north-west of Cloncurry in north-west Queensland, Australia. The mineralisation style is dominated by sphalerite and galena with a gangue of graphitic slate, pyrrhotite and pyrite. The deposit is hosted within a sequence of upper greenschist to amphibolite facies metamorphic rocks consisting quartzite, schists, slates and dolomite.

Thirteen umpire laboratories determined Zinc in 3 trials by classical wet chemistry methods. Twelve geoanalytical laboratories also participated in the analytical program.

 CRM Code Principle Certified Values State Matrix Mineralization
 OREAS 354 Zn 49.3% Ag 98ppm Pb 1.58% primary  sulphide SEDEX 


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